One of Google's self-driving cars caused an accident in California after it crashed into a bus in February. Though the car has been in crashes before, this is the first time it has caused one. According to a BBC report, the car pulled in front of a public bus on February 14 in Mountain View, near Google's headquarters, and got into a collision. The person testing the car said he expected the bus to make way for the car, so he didn't take over the car's self-driving computer.

Google is scheduled to meet California's Department of Motor Vehicles to discuss the incident, and determine where the blame lies. "We clearly bear some responsibility, because if our car hadn't moved, there wouldn't have been a collision," the company said in a statement. The technology giant said it has refined the self-driving algorithms after the incident so such situations can be avoided in the future. "From now on, our cars will more deeply understand that buses [and other large vehicles] are less likely to yield to us than other types of vehicles, and we hope to handle situations like this more gracefully in the future," the statement said.