PSTCL releases admit card for JE, LDC, Asst Manager and other posts; here’s direct link
Registered candidates can download their admit card from the official website

Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL) has today, July 12, released the online examination (CBT) admit card for various posts including Junior Engineer, Asst Manager, Divisional Accountant, Lower Divisional Clerk, and others. Registered candidates can download their admit card from the official website
“Candidates who have any issue regarding downloading of e-admit cards must visit Facilitation Centres created by PSTCL. List of Facilitation Centres, date and time for the same will be uploaded shortly on PSTCL website,” reads the notification.
The examinations will be conducted from August 2 to 6, 2021.
Here’s the examination schedule.
Steps to download the admit card
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on “Recruitment” tab
- Now click on “E-Admit card for online CBT against CRA-10/2021, PSTCL”
- Key in User ID, Password and submit
- Download the admit card
- Take a printout for future reference
Here’s the direct link to download the admit card.
PSTCL aims to fill up 490 vacancies for Assistant Engineer/ OT (Electrical, Civil), Account Officer, Assistant Manager, Divisional Accountant, Junior Engineer, Lower Divisional Clerk and Telephone Mechanic Posts and 501 vacancies of ALM Posts, ASSA and Architect, reports JAGRAN Josh.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.