TS DOST 2021 Phase I Seat allotment today at dost.cgg.gov.in; read details
Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) is scheduled to release the phase 1 seat allotment of TS DOST 2021 today.

Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) is scheduled to release the phase 1 seat allotment of TS DOST 2021 today. Candidates who have registered for DOST 2021 Phase I and exercised web options will be able to check the seat allotment at the official website dost.cgg.gov.in.
Degree Online Services Telangana or DOST offers a single window for seeking admission into any of the UG programmes in any of the state universities (Osmania, Kakatiya, Telangana, Palamuru, Mahatma Gandhi and Sathavahana Universities).
The TS DOST 2021 phase 1 registration was conducted in July. During this period, candidates were able to exercise web options by choosing the course and college of their preference by giving the priority numbers.
The DOST phase 1 seat allotment will be given to the students who exercised web options. Seats will be allotted based on the merit and reservations in force. If the students are satisfied with the seat allotted, they must confirm the seat by online self-reporting and pay the required confirmation fee online between August 5 and 9.
The students who confirm their seat (in any phase) by online self-reporting must visit the allotted college in person on dates to be announced later and submit the required certificates and pay fee, then only your seat is confirmed.
If the student is not satisfied with the seat secured, he can pay the fee (online payment) for the reservation of the seat and then, go for web options once again in the second and third phases.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website.