IIM CAT 2021 admit card released at iimcat.ac.in; here’s direct link
Registered candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website iimcat.ac.in using their user ID and password.

The Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) released the admit card for the Common Admission Test 2021 (CAT 2021) on Wednesday, October 28. Registered candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website iimcat.ac.in using their login details.
The examination is scheduled to be conducted on November 28 in three sessions in 158 cities for admission to various management programmes at IIMs.
CAT 2021 result will be declared in the second week of January 2022.
The online application process for CAT 2021 commenced on August 4 (10.00 AM) and concluded on September 22 (5.00 pm).
Steps to download the admit card
- Visit the official website iimcat.ac.in
- Click on the admit card link
- Key in your login details and submit
- Check and download the admit card
- Take a printout for future reference
Here’s direct link to download the admit card.
About CAT 2021
CAT 2021 will be conducted in a computer-based mode on November 28 in three sessions for the duration of 120 minutes. There will be three sections — Section I: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Section II: Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, Section III: Quantitative Ability. Candidates will be allotted exactly 40 minutes for answering questions in each section and they will not be allowed to switch from one section to another while answering questions in a section.
The CAT exam is a prerequisite for admission to various Post Graduate and Fellow/Doctorate programmes of IIMs. CAT 2021 scores are allowed to be used by listed non-IIM member institutions.