The examination scheduled of the Andhra Pradesh Postgraduate Common Entrance Test (AP PGCET) 2022 has been released. As per the notification, the exam is scheduled to be conducted from September 3 to 11, 2022, in three shifts — 9.30 AM to 11.00 AM, 1.00 PM to 2.30 PM, and 4.30 PM to 6.00 PM.

Applicants will be able to able to download their hall tickets from the official website from August 25 onwards.

“There will be NO TEST for the following subjects as the applications received for these subjects are less than intake seats. Admissions will be made based on the applicant’s degree marks: 1) 105: Sanskrit 2) 107: Urdu 3) 108: Tamil 4) 109: Folklore 5) 110: B.F.A. 6) 112: Performing Arts and Music 7) 113: Performing Arts 8) 117: Tourism and 9) 315: Geography,” reads the notification.

Here’s the official notice.

Steps to download the admit card

  1. Visit the official website
  2. On the homepage, click on the admit card link
  3. Key in your login details and submit
  4. Check and download the admit card
  5. Take a printout for future reference