AP Police SI notification 2022: Apply for 411 Sub Inspector posts in Andhra Pradesh, details here
The AP Police SI recruitment drive is being conducted for a total of 411 posts.

The Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) has issued the official notification for the recruitment of Sub Inspectors in the state police force. The notification is available for download at the official website slprb.ap.gov.in.
The AP Police SI recruitment drive is being conducted for a total of 411 posts including 315 Sub-Inspectors of Police (Civil) (Men and Women) and 96 Reserve Sub-Inspectors of Police (APSP) (Men).
Eligible candidates will be able to apply online for the posts from December 14 to January 18 at the link provided on the official website.
The AP Police SI preliminary written exam will be held on February 19, 2023. The hall tickets will be available for download from February 5 onwards.
Here’s AP Police SI notification 2022.
Eligibility criteria
Age limit: Must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 27 years as on July 1, 2022. The upper age limit is relaxed for reserved categories.
Educational Qualification: The candidate must possess a Degree awarded by any recognised University in India.
Application fee
Local OC/BC and EWS candidates as well as non-locals of AP have to pay Rs 600. Local SC/ST have to pay Rs 300.
Selection Procedure
The selection process will include a Preliminary Written Test in two papers, Physical Measurements Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Final Written Examination in four papers. The final selection of the candidates will be made strictly on relative merit, as per marks obtained by them based on their score in the final exam and PET.