HSSC TGT recruitment 2023 correction window opens
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has opened the online application correction window for the post of Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT).

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has opened the online application correction window for the post of Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT). Registered candidates can make corrections to their forms at the application link i.e. http://adv22023.hryssc.in/StaticPages/HomePage.aspx. The correction facility is available from March 17 to 20 and thereafter, no further opportunity shall be given to any candidate on any ground.
The candidates who have committed any mistake(s)/ error(s) while filling up their application form and could not edit their mistakes due to non- availability of option for edit/deletion/addition in application form after final submission, these candidates may submit another application form by paying fresh requisite fee.
The HSSC TGT recruitment drive aims to fill up to 7471 TGT posts of (Group‐C Services) in the Department of Elementary Education, Haryana. The pay scale is Rs 9,300‐34,800 with a grade pay of Rs 4600.
Here’s HSSC TGT notification 2023.
Here’s HSSC TGT correction window notice.
Steps to apply for Haryana TGT recruitment 2023:
- Visit the link given above
- Login using Login Id and password
- Make corrections to necessary fields
- Submit application
- Download copy and take a printout.