TS EdCET 2023 results declared; download your score cards at edcet.tsche.ac.in
Candidates who appeared for the exam can check and download their results from the official website edcet.tsche.ac.in.

The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has declared the result of TS EdCET 2023 today, June 12. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check and download their results from the official website edcet.tsche.ac.in.
The TS EdCET is a state-wide entrance test conducted by Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda on behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) for admission into B.Ed (2 years) Courses in various Colleges across Telangana.
Steps to download TS EdCET 2023 result
- Visit the official website edcet.tsche.ac.in
- Click on TS EdCET 2023 result link
- Key in your login details and submit
- Check and download the result
- Take a printout for future reference
Direct link to download TS EdCET results 2023.
The provisional answer key was released on May 23 and the objections were invited till May 25. TS EdCET 2023 was conducted on May 18 in three shifts — 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM, 12.30 PM to 2.30 PM, and 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM.