WBPSC Audit and Accounts Prelims 2022 final answer key released; here’s direct link
Candidates can download the final answer key from the official website wbpsc.gov.in.

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the final answer key of the West Bengal Audit and Accounts (Prelims) Examination 2022. Eligible candidates can download the final answer key from the official website wbpsc.gov.in.
The Preliminary exam was conducted on August 13, 2023. The recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 25 vacancies.
Steps to download the final answer key
- Visit the official website wbpsc.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on the WB Audit and Accounts Service 2022 final answer key link
- The answer key will appear on the screen
- Check and download the answer key
- Take a printout for future reference
Direct link to the final answer key 2022.
Selection Process
The West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Recruitment Examination will be held in two successive stages, viz., (i) Preliminary Examination (Objective Multiple Choice Question) and (ii) Main Examination (Conventional Type) followed by Personality Test. Candidates selected on the results of the Preliminary Examination will be allowed admission to the Main Examination and those selected on the basis of results of the Main Examination will be called to appear at the Personality Test.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.