SSB mark sheet 2024 out for various posts at; check details here
Candidates can check their final status and marks through the official website

The Sashastra Sena Bal (SSB) has announced the final status and marks for the posts of Sub Inspector (Pioneer, Draughtsman, Communication, Staff Nurse Female), ASI(Pharmacist, Radiographer, Operation Theater Technician, Dental Technician & Stenographer), and Head Constable (Mechanic, Veterinary, and communication). Eligible candidates can check their final status and marks through the official website
Steps to check the final status and marks
- Visit the official website
- Enter the required details
- Check the final status
- Check the marks
- Save it for future reference
Direct link to check the final status and the marks.
Meanwhile, SSB has also released the provisional result of the recruitment of the Head Constable (Communication) post. Eligible candidates can check their results through the official website The board has selected a total of 578 candidates for the posts.
Direct link to check the SSB Head Constable result.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.