DRDO ITI apprentice application window closes today; here’s how to apply
Candidates can fill out their application forms through the official website drdo.gov.in.

The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) will conclude the application process for the Apprenticeship at the Defence Institute of Bio Energy Research (DIBER-DRDO), Haldwani, for the year 2024-25 (under the Apprentices Act 1961) today, January 30. Eligible candidates can submit their application form through the official website, drdo.gov.in.
This recruitment drive aims to hire for 33 posts. This period of the apprenticeship is one year.
Here’s the official notification.
How to fill out the application form
Applicants can apply for the Apprenticeship at the portal of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) www.apprenticeshipindia.gov.in. For details regarding the application process for the Apprenticeship, applicants are advised to visit the MSDE website www.apprenticeshipindia.gov.in: Career- Online Recruitment — Apprentice. Applicants can register by clicking on Create New Account marked in the Apprentice section, then logging into the account and applying for appropriate trade. Candidate must have registered their name at the MSDE portal. Non-registered candidates are likely to be rejected.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.