Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the final result of the Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination II 2024. Eligible candidates can download the final result from the official website upsc.gov.in.

A total of 392 candidates have been declared qualified.

“The Commission has recommended 2534, 900, and 613 as qualified in the written test for admission to the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Air Force Academy, respectively. The number of candidates finally qualified are those after SSB test conducted by Army Head Quarters,” reads the notification.

Steps to download CDS II final result 2024

  1. Visit the official website upsc.gov.in

  2. On the homepage, click on the CDS II final result 2024 link

  3. The result will appear on the screen

  4. Check and download the result

  5. Take a printout for future reference

Direct link to download CDS II final result 2024.

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.