UPSC CMSE 2018 registration now open, apply online up to May 25 on official UPSC website
Registration for the UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2018 has begun. Interested candidates can apply up to 6pm on May 25.

The UPSC has released a notification for the Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2018 and applications for the exam are now being accepted on the official UPSC website, The last date for submission of applications is May 25th, 2018.
In the notification, the UPSC says that admit cards will be issued to eligible candidates three weeks before the examination is scheduled to begin. Admit cards will be made available on the UPSC website.
The two objective papers for the UPSC exam for Combined Medical Service will be conducted in computer-based mode and a demo of the same will be on the UPSC website when admit cards are issued. In the objective-type question papers, there is a penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers.
The UPSC CMSE 2018 exam is scheduled for July 22nd for a number of posts. Though the CMSE 2018 exam, the UPSC will be looking to fill vacancies for the following posts: Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways, Assistant Medical Officer in Indian Ordnance Factories Health Services, and Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Services, of which there are 300, 16 and 138 vacancies, respectively. However, the UPSC says that the number of vacancies is liable to alteration.
The registration fee for the UPSC CMSE 2018 exam is Rs. 200 which much be paid by depositing cash in any SBI branch, or by using SBI’s net banking facility, or via Visa, Master or RuPay credit or debit card.
The results for the UPSC CMSE 2018 exam are tentatively scheduled for the month of September or October 2018. No candidates will be allowed to leave the Test Lab during the test, and banned items from the test lab include calculators and mobile phones or any communication devices.