UPSC Exam Question Paper Bank: Preparatory questions for the UPSC exams
Test your preparation for the UPSC exams by attempting selected questions based on previous years’ papers.

Prepare for the UPSC Prelim and Main exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. Here are a few questions from previous years’ UPSC exam question papers, with the answers, so that you are ready to take the government exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ UPSC exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.
General Awareness
1. Consider the following diseases:
(i) Diphtheria
(ii) Chickenpox
(iii) Smallpox
Which of the above diseases have been eradicated from India?
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 3 only
(C) 1, 2, and 3
(D) None
Ans: B
2. With Reference to the cultural history of India, the term ‘Panchayatan’ refers to:
(A) an assembly of village elders
(B) a religious sect
(C) a style of temple construction
(D) an administrative functionary
Ans: A
3. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the Centre and the States fall under its:
(A) advisory jurisdiction
(B) appellate jurisdiction
(C) original jurisdiction
(D) writ jurisdiction
Ans: C
4. Consider the following pairs:
(i) Vitamin C Deficiency: Scurvy
(ii) Vitamin D Deficiency: Rickets
(iii) Vitamin E Deficiency: Night blindness
Which of the pairs is/are incorrect?
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 3 only
(C) 1, 2, and 3
(D) None
Ans: A
5. Consider the following languages:
(i) Gujarati
(ii) Kannada
(iii) Telugu
Which of the following languages have been declared as classical language/languages by the government?
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 3 only
(C) 2 and 3 only
(D) 1, 2, and 3
Ans: C
6. A ‘closed economy’ is an economy in which:
(A) the money supply is fully controlled
(B) deficit financing takes place
(C) only exports take place
(D) neither exports not imports take place
Ans: D
Numerical reasoning
7. Two equal glasses of same type are respectively 1/3 and 1/4 full of milk. They are then filled up with water and the contents are mixed in a pot. What is the ratio of milk to water?
(A) 7 : 17
(B) 1 : 3
(C) 9 : 21
(D) 11 : 23
Ans: A
8. In a parking area, the total number of wheels of all the cars (four-wheelers) and scooters/motorbikes (two-wheelers) is 100 more than twice the number of parked vehicles. The number of cars parked is:
(A) 35
(B) 45
(C) 50
(D) 55
Ans: C
9. Each of six different faces of a cube has been coated with a different colour i.e., V, I, B, G, Y and O. Following information is given:
(i) Colours Y, O and B are on adjacent faces.
(ii) Colours I, G and Y are on adjacent faces.
(iii) Colours B, G and Y are on adjacent faces.
(iv) Colours O, V and B are on adjacent faces.
Which is the colour of the face opposite to the face coloured with O?
(A) B
(B) V
(C) G
(D) I
Ans: C
10. Two men, Anil and David, and two women, Shabnam and Rejkha, are in a sales group. Only two speak Tamil. The other two speak Marathi. Only one man and one woman can drive a car. Shabnam speaks Marathi. Anil speaks Tamil. Both rekha and David can drive.
Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Both the Tamil speakers can drive a car.
(B) Both the Marathi speakers can drive a car.
(C) Both of those who can drive a car speak Marathi.
(D) One of those who can drive a car speaks Tamil.
Ans: D