AIBE XII 2018 results declared, download AIBE results at
The results for the annual ‘bar exam’ or AIBE have been released. Successful candidates will be awarded a ‘Certificate of Practice’ by the Bar Council of India.

The results for the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) XII were released on the official website,, today. The AIBE is a mandatory exam for law graduates in order to practice law in India. On successful completion of the test, that is after scoring a minimum of 40% in the AIBE, candidates are awarded a ‘Certificate of Practice’ by the Bar Council of India (BCI).
The BCI is the statutory body that regulates legal practice and legal education in India. The AIBE is an annual exam and the AIBE 2018 was conducted on June 10th this year. The test is modeled on the ‘multiple choice exam’ pattern and is held in an open book exam fashion.
How to check your AIBE 2018 results
- Log on to the official website of the AIBE.
- Click on ‘Result-AIBE XII’ or alternatively click on this direct link to access your AIBE 2018 results.
- In the provided field, enter the required details.
- Click on submit and your AIBE results will be displayed on the screen.
- Download the results for the 2018 AIBE and take a printout for future reference.
AIBE was brought into force in 2010 and is conducted in 40 cities across India. Keeping lingual diversity in mind, AIBE offers 11 languages to choose from in which candidates can attempt the examination.