IBPS PO Exam Question Paper Bank: Preparatory questions for the IBPS PO exam
Test your preparation for the IBPS PO exam by attempting selected questions based on previous years’ IBPS PO papers.

Prepare for the IBPS PO exam by reviewing previous years’ question papers. Here are a few questions from previous years’ IBPS PO exam question papers, with the answers, so that you are ready to take the exam. Go through the list of questions (with answers) that we’ve selected from previous years’ IBPS PO exam papers, and then attempt our quiz at the bottom.
1. Which of the phrases given against the sentence should replace the word/phrase given in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct?
Top managers are often stymied by the difficult of managing conflict.
(A) difficulties of managing
(B) difficulty for managing
(C) difficulty for management
(D) difficult of management
(E) No correction required
Ans: A
2. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word ‘IMMERSING’?
(A) engrossing
(B) fascinating
(C) ignoring
(D) saving
(E) holding
Ans: A
General awareness
3. Which of the following is the boundary line between India and Pakistan?
(A) 17th Parallel
(B) Radcliffe line
(C) Other than those given as options
(D) Hindenburg Line
(E) McMahon Line
Ans: B
4. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organisation of central banks headquartered in:
(A) Zurich, Switzerland
(B) New York, USA
(C) Basel, Switzerland
(D) Paris, France
(E) Geneva, Switzerland
Ans: C
5. The Fair Practice Code for Credit Card Operations in the banking industry has been evolved by?
(A) Indian Banks’ Association (IBA)
(B) Reserve Bank ofIndia (RBI)
(C) Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI)
(D) Banking Ombudsman (BO)
(E) National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM)
Ans: C
6. CVV is an anti-fraud security feature that helps verify that the customer is in possession of their card. What does CVV stand for?
(A) Card Virtual Valuation
(B) Confidential Virtual Verification
(C) Card Verification Value
(D) Core Virtual Value
(E) Coded Vulnerability Value
Ans: C
Quantitative aptitude
7. A can do a work in 24 days. In a definite time he can do 1/3 part of this work and in the same time B can do ½ of work done by A. Then find in how many days A and B can together do this work?
(A) 18 days
(B) 17 days
(C) 12 days
(D) 16 days
(E) 20 days
Ans: D
8. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the series given below?
6, 26, 134, 666, 3334, 16666, ?
(A) 83334
(B) 84256
(C) 54333
(D) 13425
(E) None of these
Ans: E
9. Study the following instructions and answer the question given below:
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle, but not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are facing outside and four of them are facing the centre. E faces outside. Both the immediate neighbours of E face the centre. H sits second to the right of E. B sits third to the left of E. D faces the centre. Both the immediate neighbours of D face outside. G sits second to the left of A. B sits third to the right of H. F is an immediate neighbour of D. C is an immediate neighbour of G. D is not an immediate neighbour of B. No two inside persons sits together.
Who amongst the following sits on the immediate right of H?
(A) A
(B) D
(C) C
(D) G
(E) None of these
Ans: A
10. Which of the conclusions follow from the below statement?
Statement: L>I=N>P; I≥R>K; N≤E<Z
Conclusion: (i) E>P (ii) R<L
(A) Conclusion I follows
(B) Conclusion II follows
(C) Either I or II follows
(D) Neither I nor II follows
(E) Both I and II follow
Ans: E