IBPS Admit Card: Officer Scale I, II, and III interview call letter released at ibps.in
IBPS had released the Main exam result on October 17th and all the candidates who cleared the exam can appear for the interview round.

The Institute of Banking Selection Personnel (IBPS) released the admit card for the interview round for the recruitment of RRB VII Officer Scale I, II, and III. All the candidates who have cleared the Officer Scale I, II, and III Main exam can download the interview round call letter at ibps.in.
The result for the Main exam of Officer Scale I and the computer-based online exam for Officer Scale II and III were released on October 17th. Candidates who have cleared the exam are eligible to appear for the Interview round. The interview will be conducted in the month of December 2018.
Here is how to download the IBPS Interview Round Call Letter:
- Visit the official IBPS website.
- Click on the link to download Officer Scale I, II, III Interview call letter.
- Click on the link for Officer Scale I or Officer Scale II or Officer Scale III interview call letter.
- Enter the log-in credentials to access the call letter which should be printed out.
IBPS had released the notification for 10,190 vacancies on June 21st for CRP Regional Rural Banks (RRB) VII for the positions of Officer scale I, II, III, and Office Assistant. There were 5,549 vacancies for Office Assistant, 3,312 vacancies for Officer Scale I. The remaining of the 10,190 vacancies were for Officer Scale II and III.