APPSC 2018 Recruitment: Vacancies released for multiple positions including 237 Junior Lecturers
APPSC will start the application process in the month of January on different dates for all the positions.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) released multiple recruitment notification on Saturday, December 28th, for various positions. The positions for which the Commission is seeking applications include Agriculture Officer (27 positions), Junior Lecturer (237 positions), Divisional Accounts Officer (20 positions), Asst Public Relation Officer (15 positions), and Asst Telugu Translator (2 positions).
Candidates interested in the above positions can access the official notifications and apply for the positions at the official website. The application process for all the positions will start in January but on different dates, details of which can be accessed below or on the official website,
The details of positions and application dates are as follows:
Vacancy Details
Name of the Position | Vacancies | Application Start Day | Notification Link |
Agriculture Officer in A.P Agriculture Service | 27 | January 7th, 2019 | |
Junior Lecturer In A.P. Intermediate Education | 237 | January 18th, 2019 | |
Divisional Accounts Officer (works) Grade-II in A.P. Works Accounts Service | 20 | January 8th, 2019 | |
Assistant Public Relations Officer in A.P. Information Subordinate Service | 15 | January 2nd, 2019 | |
Assistant Telugu Translator in A.P. Legislature Secretariat Service | 2 | January 2nd, 2019 | |
Candidates are suggested to go through the notification for the positions to get more details on eligibility criteria, qualifications, important dates, reservation policy, exam details, syllabus among others.