KVS Recruitment 2018: Answer keys/OMR for Librarian and PRT (Music) released
The candidates can challenge the answers on the answer keys before 5.00 pm of January 3rd, 2019.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) released the answer keys for the examination of the recruitment of Librarian and PRT (Music) today, January 2nd, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared for the above-mentioned examination can check the answer keys and OMR sheet at the official KVS website, kvsangathan.nic.in.
Candidates can also challenge the answers from the answer keys in the prescribed format available at the official website. The last day to challenge the answers is 5.00 pm of January 3rd, 2019. It should be noted that the any challenge submitted after this deadline or challenges that do not fit the prescribed format will not be considered.
How to download KVS answer keys:
- Click on the direct link for to access the KVS answer key website.
- Enter the roll number and date of birth and click on ‘Login’.
- The Answer keys and OMR sheet will be available for download and reference.
Candidates can access the notice of the release of the answer keys and the rules to challenge in this link. The examination for the position of Librarian and PRT Music against advertisement number 14 was conducted on December 22nd and December 23rd, 2018.