CSIR UGC NET 2018: Answer keys released at csirhrdg.res.in
The candidates can raise objection against the answers until January 23rd, 2019 in the prescribed format.
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) released the answer keys for the 2018 Joint CSIR-UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) on its official website. Along with the answer keys, question papers can also be downloaded the website for candidates’ reference. All the answer keys and question paper can be downloaded from csirhrdg.res.in.
The notification informing the availability of the answer keys also mentioned that candidates can submit objections against the answer released. The representation of objection should follow the instructions mentioned in the notification which can be accessed in this link and sent to netexam.obs@csirhrdg.res.in. The candidates are advised to go through all the instructions carefully.
Here is how to access the CSIR UGC NET 2018 answer keys:
- Visit the CSIR website.
- Under ‘Publication’ section, click on the link for CSIR UGC-NET 2018 answer keys and click on this link for direct access.
- Enter the relevant question paper and answer keys.
- The document will be displayed which can be printed out for future reference. The page also has all the necessary instructions for sending representation.
CSIR-UGC exam is conducted for determining the eligibility for the candidate to be appointed as a lecturer in the fields of Chemical Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences. The candidates can also be eligible for JREF after clearing the exam depending on the scores.