UPPBPB UP Constable Recruitment admit card released; check for direct link
The UP Police Constabulary exam is scheduled to be conducted on January 27th and January 29th, 2019.

UP Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has released the admit card for the recruitment of Reserve Civil Police and Reserved Armed Constabulary examination today at the official website.
The admit card was expected to be released yesterday but was delayed for unknown reasons. All the candidates can download the admit card from uppbpb.gov.in.
The exam is scheduled to be conducted on January 27th and January 28th throughout the state. The UP Police is conducting the recruitment drive for the positions of Reserve Civil Police (31,360 positions) and Reserve State Armed Constabulary (18,208 positions).
The candidates need to bring a photo ID card along with the admit card, details of which are available in this notification issued today.
How to download UP Police Constable exam admit card:
- Log in to the UP Police recruitment website.
- Click on the link on the home to download the admit card or click on this direct link to access the admit card page.
- Enter the User ID and Password (Date of Birth) and click on Login.
- The admit card will be displayed which needs to be printed out.
The recruitment process will be done in three stages. The first stage will involve a written exam for 300 marks. Candidates clearing the exam can appear for the second round for physical measurement exam and document verification. Candidates who clear this round will be eligible to appear for the physical endurance exam.