RRB JE Recruitment 2019: Tomorrow, Jan 31st is last day to apply online
RRB had earlier announced vacancies for 13,487 positions and online application process for the same began on January 2nd, 2019.

Tomorrow is the last day to apply for the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) recruitment for Junior Engineering (JE) positions. The board notification for the recruitment was released on December 27th, 2018 for 14,033 positions but later was decreased by 546 positions to 13,487.
All the interested candidates can still visit the indianrailways.gov.in website and click on the regional websites to apply for the positions. As mentioned earlier the online application process ends at 11:59 pm on January 31st, 2019.
A bulk of the vacancies are for the position of Junior Engineers (JE) with 12,844 positions followed by Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant with 387 vacancies, Depot Material Superintendent with 227 vacancies and Junior Engineer (Information Technology) with 29 vacancies
The notification states that the all interested candidates must be between the ages of 18 and 33 with relaxation in the upper age limit for candidates from reserved categories. The details on minimum qualification for each position can be accessed in the official notification. Candidates will have to go through two stages of computer-based tests followed by a round for document verification and a round for medical examination.