Haryana HSSC 2018 constable and SI written exam result declared at hssc.gov.in
The Constable and SI written exam result and notice for physical screening test was released on February 4th, 2019.

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has declared the written exam result for the 2018 recruitment of constable and sub-inspector (SI) today, February 4th, 2019. All the candidates who have cleared the exam are eligible to appear for the physical screen test, notice of which has also been released.
The candidates who appeared for the written exam for constable and SI can check the result at the HSSC’s official website, hssc.gov.in. The result is available under the ‘Results’ tab in the website.
The result for written exam for Male Constable (GD), Male Sub-inspector, and Female Sub-inspector were released. The exam is being conducted for the recruitment of 5000 male constables, 400 male SIs, and 63 female SIs.
How to check HSSC constable/SI written exam result:
- Visit the HSSC website.
- Click on the Results tab on the home page.
- The PDF document containing the roll numbers of all the successful candidates can be downloaded from the page. Alternatively, click on the link for Male Constable, Male SI, and Female SI.
- The details of physical screening tests are also on the PDF document.
The physical screening test for Male constables will be held from February 9th to February 10th and February 12th to February 16th, the admit card for which will be available from February 5th. The screening test for Male SI and Female SI is on February 11th and the admit card will be released on February 8th.