DU May-June 2019 UG date sheet released; check at exam.du.ac.in
The date sheet for CBCS and semester-based UG exams were released.

Delhi University (DU) has released the date for the 2019 May-June undergraduate examination that the university will be conducting. The exhaustive list for the date sheets are available at the DU’s exam website, exam.du.ac.in. The exams will be conducted throughout the months of May and June 2019.
The notification includes date sheets for choice-based credit system courses, three-year undergraduate courses, semester-based courses, honours courses, courses which are conducted in annual mode, five-year integrated course among others.
The candidate can click on this direct link to access the DU 2019 May-June date sheet.
How to access the DU May-June 2019 date sheet:
- Visit the DU exam website.
- Click on the ‘Datesheets’ tab on the home page.
- Click on ‘Undergraduate - Examination Final Datesheets May-June 2019’ link.
- The date sheet page has the links for all the UG exams. Click on the relevant link to access the date sheet.