BPSC 64th Combined Competitive preliminary exam result out; check for direct link
The BPSC also released the final answer keys along with the result of the 64th Combined Competitive Exam.

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the result of the 64th Combined Competitive Examination (CCE) on Sunday, February 24th, 2019. The list of all the candidates who have cleared the exam can be accessed at the official website, bpsc.bih.nic.in. A total number of 19,109 candidates have been deemed successful who are eligible to appear for the Main exam.
BPSC also released the final answer keys for the 64th Combined Competitive Exam which were prepared after taking into account the objections raised against the tentative answer keys. The final answer keys for all four Booklet Series of the General Studies subject can be accessed in this link.
How to check BPSC 64th Combined Competitive Exam Prelim result:
- Visit the BPSC website.
- Click on the link for BPSC 64th Competitive Exam result.
- Alternatively, click on this direct link to access the result PDF.
- The PDF will contain all the roll number of the candidates who have cleared the exam.
A total number of 295,444 candidates had appeared for the preliminary exam which was conducted in 808 examination centres throughout the state of Bihar on December 16, 2018. BPSC had released the official notification for the exam on August 3rd, 2018 to fill 1,255 vacancies.