Allahabad High Court Group C and D result declared; check at
The result for Group C, Group D, Grade IV Drivers, and Grade III Stenographers were declared.

Allahabad High Court has declared the Group C and Group D recruitment results on Monday, February 25th, 2019. The exams for which the results were declared include Group D cadre posts, Group C clerical cadre, Drivers Grade IV, and Stenographer Grade III. The results can be accessed at
The written exam for the Group D and Group C were conducted on January 20th, and for Drivers and Stenographer were conducted on January 21st, 2019, and based on the written exam the results have been declared. All the candidates who have cleared the exam are eligible to appear for the second stage of the exam.
How to check Allahabad High Court 2018 recruitment result:
- Visit the Allahabad High Court website.
- Click on the link for the result on the home or alternatively click on this direct link to access the results page.
- Clink on the relevant result link.
- The PDF page will open which will have details of all the candidates who have cleared the exam.
The Stage-II examination for Group C is scheduled for March 8th to March 11th March and for Stenographer will be held from March 10th to March 11th, 2019. The Stage-II examination for Group D posts is on March 10th 2019. The e-admit cards for all the 2nd stage exams will be available February 28th, 2019.