IBPS CRP VIII 2018 PO/MT, SO Main exam scorecard released at ibps.in
IBPS had conducted the Main exam for the recruitment of VIII PO/MT vacancies on November 18th.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) released the scorecards of all the candidates who have cleared the Main exam and are eligible for the interview round under CRP VIII recruitment drive on March 25th, 2019. The scorecards for both Probationary Officer/Management Trainee recruitment and Specialist Officer recruitment have been released.
The candidates who have cleared the Main exam under these two recruitment sections can check their scores at the official website, ibps.in. The Main exam was conducted in the month of November for the PO/MT and the result was declared on December 17th.
Final selection for the vacancies is made based on the cumulative scores from Main examination and the Interview. The preliminary examination is a qualifying in nature and the scores of the exam is not included in the final selection.
Here is how to check the IBPS 2018 CRP VIII Main exam scores:
- Visit the IBPS website.
- Click on the sliding message for the IBPS PO/MT Mains result scores at the top of the website.
- A new page will open where candidates can enter the Registration Number and Password and click on ‘Login’.
- Alternatively, find the direct link to access the scorecard page for PO/MT and Specialist Officer.
- The scorecard can be accessed from the page which can be printed out for future reference.
The recruitment is being conducted for more than 250 vacancies for six positions and for 20 participating banks. The notification for the exam was released in November 2018 and the application process went on from November 6th, 2018 to November 26th, 2018.