MP PEB starts application process for Animal husbandry, Veterinary and Fisheries entrance
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board has started the online application process for Animal husbandry, Veterinary and Fisheries entrance test.

Online application process for Animal husbandry, Veterinary and Fisheries entrance examination was started by Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board on its website - from April 16th yesterday. The entrance examination is held for candidates who wish to seek admission in Pre-Veterinary and Fisheries and Animal Husbandry diploma courses offered in the state. The Common Entrance Test for both the courses is being conducted by Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University.
As mentioned, the online applications are already available on the MPPEB website and candidates can apply till April 30th. Additionally, candidates can make corrections or changes to the submitted applications till May 5th. The exam for both Pre-Veterinary and Fisheries and Animal Husbandry diploma course is scheduled to be held on May 26th and hall ticket for the same will be released later on MPPEB website.
How to apply for MPPEB Animal husbandry and PV & FT 2019
- Visit the official MPPEB website -
- Click on the online form tab available on the home page
- You will be directed to a new page which contains PDF links for both exams
- There click on ‘candidate profiling’ section, new user will first have to register
- Here is direct link for user registration for candidates
- Login and start applying for your desired course and submit the exam fee
- Save the duly submitted application for future reference
The exam for both courses will be held on the same date during two sessions. The Animal Husbandry diploma test will be conducted during the morning session from 9 am to 11 am and the PV & F Test 2019 will be held from 3 pm to 5 pm during the afternoon session. Candidates are expected to report as early as two hours prior to the exam time and no candidates will be allowed to enter the exam hall after one hour before the exam time.
Candidates will be able to download the admit card using application number from the official website. While a separate in this regard is expected from the board. The examination fee for general category candidates is Rs 400 and for reserved category applicants is Rs 200. Details about the selection process, exam syllabus and more can be found in the official notification provided below.