Consortium of National Law University, Bengaluru has released the final answer keys for LL.M programme along with keys for 5-year integrated law programme on its website - The answer keys for both UG and PG level law entrance tests were released on June 8th. While the result for CLAT 2019 is expected to be announced, likely today on June 10.

While there is no official confirmation from the consortium about the result declaration, speculations are rife that the result will be announced very soon, likely today or tomorrow. However, as these are mere speculations candidates are advised to take this information with a pinch of salt. Further once the result are announced, candidates can check the CLAT 2019 result update from our website.

Here is the direct link to CLAT 2019 final answer keys page

How to check CLAT 2019 final answer keys

  1. Visit the official website of CLAT 2019 -
  2. The running ticker on the homepage itself has the link to CLAT 2019 answer keys, click on that to be re-directed to the final answers page
  3. The answer keys page contains answer key links for all series along with question paper links as well
  4. Click on your desired answer key series from either the LL.M or 5-year integrated law programme 
  5. Question paper have been provided as well for candidates convenience, tally the keys with the questions

The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) was conducted on May 26th from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm. The exam was held in pen and paper mode switching from previous online mode of examination. The switch to offline mode from an online mode was considered after the students experienced several technical glitches in the past few years.

CLAT is an all India common entrance examination conducted on a rotational basis by 19 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admissions to their UG and PG degree programmes. This year the process of the exam is being conducted by the National Law University, Odisha.