JEE Advanced result expected today along with final answer keys at
According to the JEE Advanced information brochure, the result is scheduled to be declared at 10.00 am.

IIT Roorkee is expected to declare the JEE Advanced 2019 result today, June 14th, 2019. This is based on the information provided on the JEE Advanced 2019 Information Brochure. The result is expected to come out at the 10.00 am at the official website, Moreover, the final answer keys of the JEE Advanced will also be released and the official site has already put a coming soon tag for final answer keys.
UPDATE: JEE Advanced 2019 result has been declared. Check this report for more details.
The JEE Advanced 2019 examination for admissions to the prestigious IIT colleges was conducted in two shifts, Paper I from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and Paper II from 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. The application process for the IIT Advanced ended on May 9th; however, candidates from Odisha got an extended deadline due to the Cyclone Fani.
Candidates must have cleared the JEE Main 2019 exam and should have been placed in the top 245,000 rank to be eligible to apply for JEE Advanced. The candidates must have at least appeared for the Class XIIth exam and maximum two consecutive attempts is allowed per candidate.
How to check the JEE Adcanced 2019 result:
- Visit the JEE Advanced official website.
- A link to check the result is expected to appear on the home page once it is declared. Click on that.
- Enter the log-in credentials and submit.
- The marks and rank will be displayed which can be printed out for future reference.