APSLPRB 2018 SCT SI/RSI final written exam marks released; check at slprb.ap.gov.in
Candidates can download the final answer keys and OMR sheet and apply for verification for the answer before June 23rd, 2019.

Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board has released the SCT SI (Civil) (Men& Women), SCT RSI (AR) (Men & Women), SCT RSI (APSP) (Men), Dy. Jailor (Men & Women) and Station Fire Officers (Men)Final Written exam marks and data for all the candidates on June 21st. Candidates can also access the final answer keys and OMR sheet for verification.
All the above-mentioned documents can be accessed at the official website, slprb.ap.gov.in.
Candidates can also apply for verification of any or all of the 4 Papers i.e., Paper-I (Descriptive - English); Paper-Il (Descriptive-Telugu); Paper-III (objective) and Paper-IV (Objective) by applying online and making payment of Rs. 1,000/- for each paper separately. The final result will be announced after taking into account the claims made by the candidates.
Claims of verification have to be made in this direct link. The candidates are requested to go through the notification to understand the rules around verification request available under the ‘Latest Information’ section of the official website. Candidates can access their data and marks in this direct link.
The Board had conducted the Final Written Exam from February 23rd to February 24th, 2019. A total number of 31,560 candidates had appeared for the exam and 15,780 have qualified. The exam was conducted in four cities in the state, Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Guntur and Kurnool. The notification has gender-wise and caste-wise breakdown.
The candidates can access the final answer keys, links to claim verification, OMR sheet, individual date and marks available under the ‘Latest Information’ section of the official website.