PPBNET 2019: BFUHS releases PPBNET 2019 admit card; check for direct links
BFUHS will conduct the entrance exam for BSc Basic Nursing on August 4th and now the admit cards for the same have been released.

Baba Farid University of Health Science (BFUHS), Fardikot, has released the admit card for the 2019 PPBNET examination on its official website. Candidates who have registered to appear for the examination can download the admit card from the official website, bfuhs.ac.in.
According to reports, the university will conduct the PPBNET 2019 examination on August 4th, which is two days from now. The entrance examination is conducted for admissions to BSc Nursing and Post Basic Nursing courses offered in the state of Punjab by various institutions and colleges.
Candidates can download the admit cards from these direct links for BSc Nursing 2019 and Post Basic Nursing 2019.
Candidates are suggested to go through the admit cards carefully to get acquainted with the exam date, time, and venue of the entrance examination to avoid any confusion. In case the admit cards cannot be accessed, candidates are suggested to mail one’s bank challan to waytoconfirmfee@gmail.com.
The entrance exam will be of three hours’ duration with 200 multiple choice questions. Each question will carry a total number of 4 marks with a total score of 800 marks and the exam will be conducted in English language. The candiates are expected to reach the exam venue 30 minutes prior to the exam time to undergo security checks.