WB Police 2018 Excise SI written exam result declared at wbpolice.gov.in
The shortlisted candidates have to appear for a personality test details of which will be released soon.

West Bengal Police Recruitment Board has released the result for the final written exam recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspector including Lady Sub-Inspector of Excise –2018. Candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the result at the official websites, wbpolice.gov.in and website of Directorate of Excise excise.wb.gov.in.
Shortlisted candidates are eligible to appear for the personality test, details of which will be released soon at the official website. The final written exam was conducted on March 24th and now the result has been declared.
Here is the direct link to access the WB Police SI Excise final written exam result.
The candidates had to appear for the preliminary exam and a PMT/PET examination before being shortlisted for the final written exam. The personality test will be the final round before the final selection.
How to check WB Police Excise SI prelim exam result
- Visit the WB police recruitment website.
- Click on the link for the SI/lady SI Excise final written exam result link on the home page.
- Click on the link to check the result released on November 18th.
- Enter the Application Number, Date of Birth, and select the District and click on ‘Submit’.
- The result will be displayed which can be printed out.