TSSPDCL 2019 Recruitment JLM/JPO/JACO result declared; check here for direct links
The final answer keys for all the examinations were also released along with the result.

The Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSSPDCL) has released the written examination result for the 2019 Recruitment for Junior Assistant cum Computer Operator, Junior Lineman, and Junior Personnel Officer on January 18th. The result can be accessed at the official website, tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in.
The Company also released the final answer keys along with the result. The link to check the result and the final answer keys can all be found at the recruitment page of the website or in this direct link.
Here are the direct links to check the result:
- TSSPDC Junior Lineman result
- TSSPDCL Junior Personnel Officer (JPO)
- TSSPDCL Junior Assistant cum Computer Operator (JACO)
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 2500 vacancies for Junior Lineman and 25 vacancies for Junior Personal Officer along with 500 vacancies for Junior Assistant cum Computer Operator.
The application process for the above-mentioned positions were conducted in the months of October and November 2019 and the exams were conducted on December 15th and December 22nd, 2019. The answer keys were released soon after the exam.