CBSE 2019 Recruitment exam admit card released at
The recruitment drive is being conducted for 357 positions of Assistant, Accountant and other posts.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the admit card for the 2019 recruitment drive on January 17th, 2020. Candidates who have applied to appear for the exam can download the admit card from the official website,
The recruitment drive is being conducted for various positions which includes Accountants, Assistants Assistant Secretary, Assistant Secretary (IT), Analyst (IT), Junior Hindi Translator, Senior Assistant, Stenographer among others.
Here is the direct link to access the CBSE recruitment admit card.
The candidates will appear for the Computer-Based Test after which candidates who clear the exam will have to appear for the Interview round or the Skill Test round depending on the position for which one has applied.
How to download CBSE recruitment admit card:
- Visit the CBSE official website.
- Under the ‘In Focus’ section on the right pane, click on the link to download the admit card.
- Enter the log-in details and submit.
- The admit card can be accessed which can be downloaded and needs to be printed out.