Maharashtra CET exams including MHT CET 2020 exams postponed; new dates to be announced later
The MHT CET exams were scheduled to be conducted in the months of July and August 2020.

Maharashtra government has decided to postpone all the CET examinations conducted under the MAHACET including the MHT CET 2020 examination. The decision was taken in light of the COVID-19 situation in the state and health of the students, said the State Education Minister Uday Samant.
In a tweet, the minister said that Maharashtra CET conducts entrance examinations for various vocational subjects for higher and technical education departments. In light of the increasing incidence of COVID 19, all these examinations are being postponed in view of the health of the students. New dates will be announced in the future.”
महाराष्ट CET च्या माध्यमातून उच्च व तंत्र शिक्षण विभागांशी संबंधित विविध व्यावसायिक विषयांच्या प्रवेश परीक्षा घेण्यात येतात. COVID 19 चा वाढता प्रादुर्भाव बघता विद्यार्थ्यांच्या आरोग्याच्या दृष्टीने या सर्व परीक्षा पुढे ढकलण्यात येत आहेत. नवीन तारखा भविष्यात सांगण्यात येतील.
— Uday Samant (@samant_uday) June 22, 2020
The most important exam under the MAHACET is MHT CET which was scheduled to be conducted in the month of April which was then postponed and was scheduled to be conducted in months of July and August. The hall tickets for the exams were expected to be released this week.
Other CET exams that have been further postponed include MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2020, B.Ed CET. B.Ed CET Integrated courses, The candidates are advised to keep checking the official website,, for further updates on the exam.
Maharashtra is the worst affected state in terms of the number of COVID-19 cases with a total number of positive cases crossing the 1.35 lakh mark on Monday with a total number of deaths crossing the 6,200 figure.