JEE Main Paper I result declared; check scores in this direct link
The exam had an attendance of 75%, which is lower than the January version when 94% candidates were present for the exam.

NTA has declared the JEE Main April/September Paper I (BE/B.Tech) examination result a while ago. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the JEE Main scores on the official website,
A total number of 24 candidates have received 100 NTA scores in JEE Main January and April/September exam. The cut-off marks to appear for the JEE Advanced is 90.3765335 for Common Rank. For EWS, the cut-off is 70.2435518, OBC 72.8887969, SC 50.1760245, ST 39.0696101, and PWD 0.0618524.
The result notification also said that out of the total 8.41 lakh candidates who had registered to appear for the exam, a total of 6.35 lakh candidates appeared for the exam, which means the attendance was 75%. Compared to the January version, the attendance is substantially lower when 94% of students had appeared for the exam.
Here is the direct link to check the JEE Main 2020 Paper I result.
The JEE Main April/September exam was conducted from September 1 to September 6 amid COVID-19 pandemic. Lots of students had asked the NTA to postpone the exam due to the pandemic and had even approached the court. Supreme Court and NTA dismissed the request so as to not waste an academic year for the students.
How to check JEE Main 2020 result:
- Visit the JEE Main official website.
- Click on the link to check the Paper I scores.
- Enter the log-in details and submit.
- The NTA score for the JEE main exam will be displayed.