AKTU BTech final year result declared at aktu.ac.in
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) has declared the Final year results at aktu.ac.in.

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), Uttar Pradesh, has declared the final year exam results for BTech course on September 23. The BTech Final year students can check their results by visiting the official website, aktu.ac.in.
NDTV reports that an official st atement was released which said, “The B.Tech final year result has been announced for regular candidates after approval from the competent authorities on the official website, aktu.ac.in. The concerned colleges are requested to inform the students about the declaration of the results.”
Here is the direct link to check the AKTU results.
How to check AKTU BTech result 2020
- Visit the AKTU official website.
- Click on the Results tab and click on ‘One-View Display of Students’ Result Data’.
- Enter the roll number and other details and submit.
- The AKTU result will be displayed.