UPSC releases recruitment notification for multiple positions; check here for details
The vacancies are for Foreman, Senior Scientific Assistants, and Assistant Professor (Medicine).

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released a recruitment notification for various positions and departments on October 12. All the interested candidates can check the details of the vacancies and other information on the official website,
The recruitment notification aims to fill 44 vacancies for various positions which include 5 vacancies for Foreman (Electrical), 6 vacancies for Senior Scientific Assistant (Electronics and Metallurgy), 33 vacancies for Assistant Professor (Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery & Radio-Diagnosis).
Here are the details of the vacancies:
- Five vacancies for the post of Foreman(Electrical), Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
- Five vacancies for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant(Electronics), Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
- One vacancy for the post of Senior Scientific Assistant (Metallurgy), Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence
- Five vacancies for the post of Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Cardio Vascular and Thoracic Surgery) (CTVS) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
- Twenty eight vacancies for the post of Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Radio-Diagnosis) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Interested candidates are suggested to go through the official website for more information on the eligibility, qualification, application and selection process, and other pertinenet details. Here is the direct link to access the official notification.