TS 2020 LAWCET/PGLCET result to be declared at 3 pm today at tsche.ac.in
The counselling details will be released after the result is declared on the official website.

Telangana State Council for Higher Education (TSCHE) will declare the TS LAWCET and TS PGLCET 2020 results today, November 6. All the candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the result, once declared, on the official website, lawcet.tsche.ac.in.
It should be noted that the result will be declared at 3.00 pm and students should check the official website for any latest updates regarding the result. The TS LAWCET and PGLCET exams were conducted on October 9, 2020.
The exam process is being taken care by Osmania University, Hyderabad on behalf of the TSCHE. The LAWCET and PGLCET exams are conducted for admissions to various law courses offered in the state of Telangana. The courses for which admissions are done include 3-year LLB course, 5-year LLB course, and 2-year LLM course.
Once the result is declared, the counselling details will be released soon after. Once again, students should keep checking the official website for updates regarding the counselling process.
How to check TS LAWCET 2020 result:
- Visit the TS LAWCET official website.
- Once the result is declared, a link to check the same will be activated. Click on it.
- Enter the log-in details and submit.
- The result will be displayed.