BPSC adds 127 vacancies under 66th Combined Competitive Exam, issues list of ineligible candidates
The new vacancies are of Gramin Vikas Adhikari (Rural Development Officer) under the state Rural Development Department

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has added 127 new vacancies whose recruitment exam will be held under the 66th Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Exam. The new vacancies are of Gramin Vikas Adhikari (Rural Development Officer) under the state Rural Development Department, a notification released on Wednesday said.
The 66th edition of CCE will be conducted to now fill a total of 691 vacancies. The notification for the exam was released on September 17 and the application process began on September 28. The preliminary exam is scheduled to be held on December 27 (12.00 pm to 2.00 pm).
The admit card will be released on the BPSC website bpse.bih.nic.in soon and candidates are advised to keep a check on it.
The selection process will involve a preliminary exam for 150 marks MCQ questions. Candidates who clear the prelims can appear for the Mains where they would have select a subject out of a total number of 37 subjects. The successful candidates will appear for an interview round.
Moreover, BPSC on its website has issued a list of 782 ineligible candidates due to their age. Such candidates can mail their objection letter to the Commission on bpscpat-bih@nic.in before December 16.
Here is the List of Ineligible (Under Age & Over Age) Candidates for BPSC 66th CCE.
Here is the direct link to access the BPSC 66th CCE notification.