UPPCL JE recruitment 2020: Registration for 212 vacancies ends tomorrow, apply now at upenergy.in
The exam will tentatively be held in the first week of February next year.

Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) on Monday will conclude the registration process for direct recruitment to 212 posts of Junior Engineer (JE) (Trainee) under E&M cadre. Interested candidates can apply for the same on the official website upenergy.in/uppcl.
The exam will tentatively be held in the first week of February next year.
While there are 191 vacancies for the post of JE (Trainee) in Electrical, there are 21 vacancies for the post of JE (Trainee) in Electronics/Tele Communication.
“Corporation reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies as per requirement,” the official notification read.
Eligibility criteria:
Age: The application should be at least 18 years and no more than 40 years of age.
Qualification: For the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee) in Electrical department, candidates should have cleared “Three years Diploma examination in Electrical Engineering awarded by the Pravidhik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh, or a Diploma, equivalent thereto, recognised by the state government”, or “Three years All India Diploma Examination conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),” or “Diploma Examination conducted by any of the Universities in India incorporated by an Act of the Central/State legislature”.
For the post of Junior Engineer (Trainee) in Electronics/Tele Communication, candidates should have the same qualifications but in Electronics/Tele Communication.
“Under any circumstance, change of data will not be allowed after successful submission of application form. However, submitted application form can be viewed and downloaded/printed,” the notification said.
The selection process will be based on Computer Based Test (CBT) at Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Kanpur, Bareilly, Lucknow, Ghaziabad, Noida/Greater Noida and Meerut. The duration of the exam will be three hours and will be of 200 marks.
Candidates are advised to read the official notification here for detailed instructions