Fiction: Book of the year
History’s Angel, Anjum Hasan (Bloomsbury India)
Hurda, Atharva Pandit (Bloomsbury India)
The Memoirs of Valmiki Rao, Lindsay Pereira (Penguin Random House India)

Fiction: Best first book
Chronicle of an Hour and a Half, Saharu Nusaiba Kannanari (Context / Westland Books)
Hurda, Atharva Pandit (Bloomsbury India)
Western Lane, Chetna Maroo (Picador/Pan Macmillan India)

Nonfiction: Book of the year
Intertidal: A Coast and Marsh Diary, Yuvan Aves (Bloomsbury India)
Love In the Time of Hate: In the Mirror of Urdu, Rakhshanda Jalil (Simon & Schuster India)
Why We Die: The New Science of Ageing and the Quest for Immortality, Venki Ramakrishnan (Hachette India)

Nonfiction: Best first book
Airplane Mode: A Passive-Aggressive History of Travel, Shahnaz Habib (Context/ Westland Books)
From Phansi Yard: My Year with the Women of Yerawada, Sudha Bharadwaj (Juggernaut Books)
H-Pop: The Secretive World of Hindutva Pop Stars, Kunal Purohit (HarperCollins Publishers India)

Business book of the year
Lilliput Land: How Small Is Driving India’s Mega Consumption Story, Rama Bijapurkar (Penguin Random House India)
The Last Dance of Rationality: Making Sense of an Unravelling World Order, Rohit Prasad (Hachette India)
The Learning Trap: How Byju’s Took Indian Edtech for a Ride, Pradip K Saha (Juggernaut Books)

The jury for fiction comprises Deepa Adhikari, social entrepreneur and development communications consultant; Priyanka Sarkar, editor and translator; Rajrishi Singhal, author and journalist; Usha Subramaniam, former Professor of English Literature; and Shireen Mistry, Associate Festival Director of Literature Live! The Mumbai Litfest.
The jury for nonfiction comprises Abhay Sardesai, educator and writer; Chandrahas Choudhury, author; Kalpana Sharma, journalist and author; Sudhakar Solomonraj, professor and environmentalist; and Tina Nagpaul, filmmaker and Associate Festival Director, Literature Live! The Mumbai Litfest.
The jury for Business books comprises Charles Assisi, journalist and entrepreneur; Karthi Marshan, entrepreneur and copywriter; Saira Menezes, editor and journalist; Sunita Wazir, HR and leadership development professional; and Suresh Seshadri, journalist and business professional.
Also read:
Literature Live! The Mumbai LitFest announces longlists in five categories for its 2024 book awards