The Kerala Literature Festival announced its shortlists of nonfiction and fiction for its book awards on Wednesday. The festival will be held in Kozhikode between 23-26 January.
City on Fire: A Boyhood in Aligarh, Zeyad Masroor Khan, HarperCollins India
I Am What I Am: A Memoir, Sunitha Krishnan, Tranquebar/Westland
Circles of Freedom: Friendship, Love and Loyalty in The Indian National Struggle, TCA Raghavan, Juggernaut Books
Dalithan: An Autobiography, KK Kochu, translated from the Malayalam, Radhika P Menon, Speaking Tiger Books
The Identity Project: The Unmaking of a Democracy, Rahul Bhatia, Westland/Context
The Many Lives of Syeda X: The Story of an Unknown, Neha Dixit, Juggernaut
The Day the Earth Bloomed, Manoj Kuroor, translated from the Malayalam by J Devika, Bloomsbury India
Chronicle of an Hour and a Half, Saharu Nusaiba Kannanari, Context/Westland
Sanatan: A Novel, Sharankumar Limbale, translated from the Marathi by Paromita Sengupta, Penguin India
The Distaste of the Earth, Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih, Penguin India
Lorenzo Searches for the Meaning of Life, Upamanyu Chatterjee, Speaking Tiger Books
Sakina’s Kiss, Vivek Shanbhag, translated from the Kannada by Srinath Perur, Penguin India