On Tuesday, the division in the state edition of the BJP burst into the open, as 39 MLAs of the party's 44 from Vidarbha staged a demonstration outside Gadkari’s house in Nagpur to demand that he be appointed as the new Maharashtra chief minister.
Ironically, these MLAs until recently had insisted that the post should go to Fadnavis, who is also from Vidarbha.
BJP officials suspect that Gadkari encouraged the party MLAs to demand that he be made chief minister. “He orchestrated this sudden change of heart among the Vidharba MLAs,” an official at the BJP's Ashok Road office in Delhi told Scroll.in on condition of anonymity. “He has differences with Fadnavis and does not want him to be in a powerful position."
Here are four reasons why Nitin Gadkari thinks he should be the next chief minister of Maharashtra.
He wants greater influence in government
Gadkari has entered the race to be chief minister because after the Lok Sabha elections he was not given a Raisina Hill portfolio ‒ defence, finance, home or external affairs, say political analysts. As leader of a state, Gadkari would have a great deal of clout at the centre. “His position as the CM of Maharashtra will hold the same influence as Minister’s like Arun Jaitley, Rajnath Singh and Sushma Swaraj in the party,” said sociologist and political commentator Shiv Vishwanathan.
He wants to strenghten his position in the BJP
With Narendra Modi's election as prime minister, Gadkari may be thinking of gaining a stronger position in the party. “If and when Modi loses his stronghold in the party, a powerful CM from an important state could be someone that the BJP looks to lead,” Vishwanathan said. “In such a situation, Nitin Gadkari could be the next big leader for the party if he is the CM of Maharashtra at that point,” he added.
He has strong organisational abilities
Considering his good relations with both allies and opposition leaders, Gadkari is a good candidate to be chief minister. He will find it easier than Fadnavis to negotiate with opponents in the party as well as with allies in the Shiv Sena and possibly the National Congress Party.
“For the BJP also it makes more sense to make Gadkari the CM," Vishwanath said. "He will be able to deal with any rebellion, be it within the party or from the opposition. Fadnavis does not have the experience to handle the complex politics of Maharashtra."
In addition, Gadkari has the support of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which is vital for any BJP leader hoping for a senior position.
He has great plans for Mumbai
As public works minister in Maharashtra between 1995 and 1999, Gadkari built a controversial series of flyovers in Mumbai ‒ amidst questions about their cost and allegations that not all of them were necessary.
In his new role as shipping minister, he has already announced similarly ambitious and controversial plans to turn the city's 1,800-acre port area into a leisure district. He would be able to pursue this plan more energetically if he was appointed state chief minister.