Participants and their supporters sang songs and repeated chants. Many people danced to the beat of drums and held their hands in the air as they marched. Wigs in the rainbow colour of the LGBT flag were all the rage. A 50-foot rainbow colored banner was carried at the head of the march.

The activists were demanding that the government get rid of the colonial-era Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises homosexuality. Activists pledged to continue to work to abolish the law, by a gay person can be put in to prison for up to ten years.

The slogans were very innovative.
"Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isai; hetero, homo bhai bhai". (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, heterosexual, homesxual, brother)
"Teen sau sattatar quit India. Quit India". (Three hundred and seventy seven, quit India. Quit India)
"I am gay, that's okay".
"Love is love".

Photo credits: Sahil Bhalla and Durga M Sengupta