Star Wars is the epic story of a young boy from a small planet setting out to take revenge on a tyrannical leader. Anurag Kashyap's Gangs of Wasseypur follows much the same plot, replacing "planet" with "mining town" and featuring a lot more in the way of Bihari gaalis. But, as Manoj Bajpai insists in those memorable lines, his life has only one purpose: revenge.

Now imagine him saying that line while pulling out a lightsaber or while setting off across Tatooine (which does look a lot like portions of Bihar) on a landspeeder? You don't have to. A user named Abhijit Dey on Vimeo uploaded a mash-up that turns the much-awaited trailer of JJ Abrams' new Star Wars film (The Force Awakens), which is only coming out next year, into a revenge drama set in Wasseypur.

It's not the first of Wasseypur mash-ups. That genre, in fact, is an overcrowded one, putting everyone from the Avengers to the Dark Knight to the Pirates of the Caribbean in the Bihari (now Jharkhandi) badlands. But this one is still wonderfully apt, making you wish Sardar Khan could jump in an X-wing or Ramadhir Singh had the power to use the Force. And how much fun would Wasseypur have been if the lead characters could bounce all of their dialogue against a football-like R2D2-type robot?