Television news continues to break new ground – but in this case one Pakistani TV channel seems to have taken that dictum to the limit. A reporter from Express News appears to have sent in a report from inside the grave in which activist and philanthropist Abdul Sattar Edhi's body will be buried.
Sab sey pehley Express News par!Reporter reaches Edhi's grave before him.
— NadeemFarooqParacha (@NadeemfParacha) July 9, 2016
Get this idiot thrown in a mental ward.
The text going along with the report says "Karachi: inside the last resting place of the servant of humanity, Abdul Sattar Edhi."
Edhi, a national icon in Pakistan, died on Friday at the age of 88 after having been ill for several weeks. His incredible stature both within the country and abroad has meant non-stop coverage from Pakistani news organisations on his death and its aftermath. Every single aspect got covered.
@LifeofSigh @Dawn_News dawn reporter asked edhi worker the length , width and height of edhi Saab Grave Shame on media
— Arsalan Syed (@Spotless_Mind79) July 9, 2016
I am NOT putting the TV on today. I just respect #Edhi too much to see him being desecrated by rabid media
— afia salam (@afiasalam) July 9, 2016
Media should abstain to ask stupid questions with celebrities related Edhi sahab. For God sake!
— Na-Maloom Engineer (@Namaloom_Engr) July 9, 2016
Dear Media, please don't install cameras in #Edhi Saheb's grave to record exclusive footage of his first night in grave.#SalamEdhi
— Aqsa Junejo (@JunejoAqsa) July 9, 2016
The imperatives for news channels are understandable. Edhi looms large over the Pakistani nation and he is in some ways one of the few national icons who could unite most, if not all Pakistanis. Which means there is a keen interest in remembering him right. Unfortunately, the Pakistani media seems to have taken that to mean giving you every little bit of information about what is otherwise a deeply personal moment following the death of a man.
Twitter, as you might expect, had plenty to say.
Journalism reporting live from its grave
— Suckularism (@SupariTroller) July 9, 2016
We're no longer scraping the bottom of the barrel, we've broken thru the bottom& are feeding on the scum underneath.
— (((DawntJalluss))) (@monadarling) July 9, 2016
me: this reporter was reporting live from Edhi's grave..
— can't adult (@fareeloydias) July 9, 2016
Baba: uper se matti daal deni chahiye thi
Yesterday we saw a reporter exploiting a kid who had lost his mother and today another one reports LIVE from Edhi's grave. Souls for sale.
— Usman Ghani (@UGpk) July 9, 2016
Our media just hit a new low. Express news reporter reporting live from (literally) inside #Edhi's grave.
— Dope Chief (@Freaktesam) July 9, 2016
This sort of disrespect is somewhat familiar to people across the border in India, where it seems like insensitivity is baked into the way TV reporters now operate. This became most apparent during the Nepal earthquake in 2014 when people in the disaster-hit nation became so disgusted by the way the Indian media was behaving that #GoHomeIndianMedia was trending.
So Indians responding to the ridiculous sight of a man reporting from inside Edhi's grave largely commiserated with fellow TV viewers from across the border.
TimesNow finally has a competitor with similar scruples in the subcontinent
— Tony Joseph (@tjoseph0010) July 9, 2016
U shdn't have shared it.Our TV will have reporters "live" on funeral pyres. Can't let Pakistanis be stupider than us
— Shekhar Gupta (@ShekharGupta) July 9, 2016
LIVE report; from the (would-be) grave of Pak. philanthropist Abdul Edhi!!
— Akash Banerjee (@akashbanerjee) July 9, 2016
Now have some respect for Indian Media;)