Let us rewind the past week:
Secular civil code: With triple talaq struck down, it’s time to reform other unjust faith-based laws
Let us presume the BJP produces an equitable civil code and manages to implement it. That will be a necessary step, but far from sufficient to ensure justice for India’s women. After all, we have a host of progressive laws on dowry, marital age, and polygamy for Hindus, but Hindu women are very far from securing practical equality. Read more here.
Also read: The Supreme Court has spoken on triple talaq but Muslim Personal Law remains a ticking bomb
I was the only deaf student in a classroom – here’s how Indian schools are wasting our potential

I went to a deaf school where we had to try to listen to the teacher speaking, write down answers, and learn them. I moved to a hearing school at age 13 because my teacher at the deaf school refused to let me move to the next class, because I was the only student and if I stayed behind I could join a batch of four students next year! Read more here.
In Mumbai’s nooks and crannies, reseachers are uncovering 1,000-year-old fragments of history

They found scores of Shilahara objects, often incorporated into small temples or lying under trees near them. In a tiny roadside temple in Andheri, they found a stone carving of a bearded male deity that is now painted red and worshipped as “Kamala Mata”. Near Mahakali caves, a stupa fragment has been turned into a Shiva linga. Read more here.
Chinese-Indians in Canada want India to apologise for interning them during 1962 war

Andy Hsieh will never forget the day he arrived at the Deoli camp at the end of October 1962. The internees were not given food all day and when they finally were, it was stale, rock-hard bread and some milk tea. “Some of the older people broke the bread with stones and soaked it in the tea,” he recalled. Read more here.
The owner of Bengaluru’s iconic restaurant Prem Koshy explains why his food is literally to die for

“What makes Koshy’s are its customers,” he said. “One Mr Narayan Swamy took out all his drips in hospital, said he was dying and that he would die here, in Koshy’s. He came and he sat and no one could move him out. Fortunately we could locate one relative of his, and they showed up. We said we had to close at 10.30pm. He left and he died an hour later.” Read more here.