- In the Indian Express, Meghnad Desai writes that with #MeToo, we are in a much more intense phase of a social revolution sweeping India.
- Wesley Yang, writing in Esquire about “onetime neocon thinker” Francis Fukuyama, observes that as 2018 draws to a close, tyranny is on the rise and the post-war global order on the verge of cracking up. Is this the dawn of a frightening new era?
- In the Hindu, CR Gharekhan writes on the killing of journalist Saudi Arabian Jamal Khashoggi and speaks of the need for other countries to take a principled stand against the state, even if foreign policy is primarily dictated by national interest.
- The #MeToo movement has challenged the notion that only men’s careers and reputations matter, observes Saundarya Rajesh in the Telegraph.
- In Hindu BLInk, Rihan Najib looks at the #MeToo revolution and the prickly questions it raises.
- In LiveMint, Anirudh Tagat has a game theory take on sexual harassment.
- Ramachandra Guha writes in the Hindustan Times of the many voices that have warned against the destruction of the Himalayas, from Mira Behn to GD Agrawal.
- In the Guardian, Simon Tisdall points to a glaring truth: no one is convinced by Saudi Arabia’s explanation that dissenting journalist Jamal Khashoggi died in a fistfight after he stepped into the Saudi embassy in Istanbul.
- Pankaj Mishra writes of a Gandhi for a post-truth age in the New Yorker.
- Christopher Tayler reads Milkman, Anna Burns’s Man Booker winning novel about the Troubles in Ireland, for the London Review of Books.
The Weekend Fix: Understanding the #MeToo movement and other interesting reads
Called a ‘revolution’, it has upturned entrenched gender politics in the workplace.